Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Romain Jerome Tackle Another Legend

Classic Luxury Exotic Car Show Meadow Drive Va...Aesthetically and conceptually innovative watch brand Romain Jerome collaborates with DeLorean Motor Company, to add another legend to their family of muses.

Launched in 2004 RJ - Romain Jerome has stormed the luxury watch field with their "legends concept" which has challenged the boundaries of the connection between inspiration and creation. RJ watches fuse the DNA of modern history within their timepieces. Why be simply inspired by the Titanic when you can include a piece of the Titanic in your creation?

Their latest collaboration is with the DeLorean motor company, the creators of the "time machine" featured within the "Back to the Future" trilogy. The series was one of the biggest box office hits of the 1980s and has since taken on cult status. The resulting collection is rumored to contain the actual metal of the original car - a slice of cinematic history for luxury watch enthusiasts to enjoy.


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